Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag ClassTotal number of occurrencesTag strings used by tag class

Each tag is detailed below:


Number of occurrences found in the code: 8

can't do much here; should we throw an exception instead?124
is this needed - no longer referenced by JpaAdapterManager and the tests still pass? Perhaps the tests aren't providing enough coverage? <p> Implementation of {@link PojoAdapterMap} that does not interact with the pojo or adapter at all (not even by calling {@link Object#hashCode() hashCode()}. <p> Although somewhat inefficient (the implementation just maintains two {@link ArrayList}s of pojos and adapters), this is required for Hibernate because a call to {@link Object#hashCode() hashCode()} will trigger a resolve of a collection. Note also: it would be slightly more efficient to use {@link LinkedList}s, but {@link ArrayList}s are easier to work with when debugging. Note that fairly large initial size of {@value #INITIAL_SIZE} to reduce cost of adding objects (objects are removed much less frequently).16
need to update versions.35
might need to move logic from LoadPostEventListener here instead?52
what should we do here? throw exception?57
what should we do here? throw exception?60
should check the other entities are the object Bs???80
should check the other entities are the object Bs???80